Here Nigel and Stewart make friends at the ball pit. Nigel and Stewart tend to be timid, but not with other kids. Marshall is usually friendly and met a boy at the ball pit who he said was his best friend in Ecuador, his name was Juan.
Today, our bus ride was crazy. There were no seats and as soon as we got on, the driver bolted out. I told the kids to hit the floor, "Just sit down now and hold on!" Some lovely ladies took our situation into account and decided to scrunch so we could have their seats. The ride was all emergency brake, let someone on, bolt away. Marshall and Stewart loved it! I was nervous and trying not to let it seep out. Nigel was tired and wanted to nurse. No room for that here so crying ensued. He fell asleep shortly after crying despite the careening bus situation.
The next step... bus with kids, travel pack and stroller.
It's Sunday here and we've just read your blog together and have seen the undated pictures. Pa and I miss you all!! What an amazing experience for all of you. Elizabeth, how we love your spirit of adventure. I am praying for sustained strength!! Love, Mom and Dad Boring
love Karyl's comment..."adventurous spirit" and praying for "sustained strength!" how true! totally in awe of you right now! you're amazing!
Why do I feel like crying every time I read your blog? I guess I'm sort-of into your story.
i think of the things i remember from being 6 or 7 - not much, but i remember big things from that time. it's amazing to me that when marshall is our age, THIS is what he'll remember probably most vividly. how cool that you are the one offering him this memory?!
Happy birthday Nigel! Thankful to read about happy and healthy travelers...The crazy buses would make me nervous too! I remember that about was nuts without kids! Im sure they loved it! HUGS!
thanks for your sustaining words. I LOVE reading these comments. It means to me that I have people who I know who care about these happenings in my life.
Oh my goodness -- Mitad del Mundo, crazy Ecuadorian bus rides. I have some fantastic memories of Ecuador . . .though in the single and carefree days. Three little kids. My oh, my -- that's another story.
What an adventure! (Doug)
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