We had such fun traveling together, except for the Miami airport when they almost didn't give us boarding passes because we had to eat before we found the gate, when Stewart decided to ride the people mover in a very creative and dangerous way and had decided not to listen, and during the last flight when Nigel was deliriously tired and wante d to jump and climb everything. For the last flight, four hours was our max, taking into consideration that we had been on two other flights and in transit all day.
We were greeted by Kelly and Daryl and a bouquet of roses- a warm surprise on a chilly night.
Two beds were pushed together for our sleep situation, which was perfect because Stewart and Nigel were quite uncomfortable with being in a new place and being so exhausted. Nigel puked in the night and Stewart pooped! We got up way too early.
I wanted to go slow to see everything, not wanting to be disappointed by my memories, and wanting to see things fully and when I was ready. Quito is dreary today, which makes me feel sad. I cannot see any mountains, except Pichincha, which is hard to see because of the buildings above ours that block the view.
The dorm looks just as I remembered it. It's great to be here!
YAY!!! I'm so glad you made it. And that flowers awaited your arrival - what a nice surprise. (does that mean you didn't have to pay???) Can't wait to read more!!!!
I was thrilled to see your post today!! I hope you get chances to update here and there. We are happy to know you got there safe and that the adventure started out well. Hopefully, no more puking! LOVE YOU GUYS!
Jen and fam
i want to know if you had to pay too. :)
Thank you for posting. I have been thinking about you tons. Love you, girl, tina
Gotta love those Quito roses...two dozen for $2.50! We sure miss having fresh roses on our table all of the time! Glad you made it safely. Enjoy every moment!
thanks for writing everyone! Won't know about paying till i get the bill. now we are just hanging out. yesterdays excursion was draining. I have never suffered altitude sickness till I have three kids with me. Hopefully it will go away soon.
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